Stuff that you never knew you could shred

Jun 25, 2022

When we think about shredding, we normally focus on legal documents or personal documents that can end up in the wrong hands if they are not disposed of. But the truth is that you can shred a large range of other documents too. It’s very important to figure out what kind of documents you need shredded, and doing that can make a huge difference. 


Receipts of any kind can be shredded and disposed of in a proper manner. These receipts can include personal data, like credit card numbers, sometimes even your signature. Shredding them properly is a crucial aspect and you definitely need to dispose of them the right way.

Prescription labels

These also have personal data, like your name, the drugs you need to take, even the pharmacist name is on there. Which is why shredding prescription labels is a very good idea, and it can help save quite a bit of time.

Boarding passes

A boarding pass has your name, even travel plans and other important information. Many crooks can use this information for unlawful things, so it makes a lot of sense to dispose of the data properly. It might not be that much to lose your boarding pass or just throw it away, but it’s a much better idea to keep it.


When you try to get hired, you have many different copies of your resume. The best thing that you can do is to shred your resume copies you’re not using, just to be safe. Thieves or unlawful persons can end up accessing a lot of information here, ranging from the education history to address, phone number, your name and so on. That’s why you need to shred your resume copies right away.

Return labels

Return labels have your name and address, and it’s important to shred them properly. You never want any piece of personal information to be accessed by thieves or hackers, so shredding these return labels is always important.

These are some of the important items you need to shred, and it will help you immensely to ensure that your private data is always protected. The last thing you want is for unlawful people to access personal info, and that’s why we are here to help. It’s a great opportunity to ensure that your data remains private, as that’s what will help you avoid any robberies, hacks, identity theft problems or anything similar.